Zambia: Africa’s hidden gem

While Zambia isn’t widely known as a golf holiday destination, those who visit often wonder why it remains a hidden gem. Zambia’s major attractions, including Victoria Falls, world-class safari options, and a great golf resort in Lusaka, make it an exceptional destination.

Embarking on a safari to South Luangwa and Lower Zambezi National Parks offers an adventure into Africa’s untamed wilderness. These iconic destinations provide breathtaking landscapes, prolific wildlife, and immersive safari experiences comparable to any on the continent.

South Luangwa National Park is famous for its high density of leopards and other predators like lions and wild dogs. The Luangwa River sustains a rich ecosystem with large herds of elephants, buffalo, and antelopes, as well as diverse bird species. 

Lower Zambezi National Park, shaped by the mighty Zambezi River, is a UNESCO-recognized biosphere reserve. Imagine drifting along the river with a sundowner in hand, watching elephants bathe and hippos grunting nearby. The park’s thriving elephant population and other iconic species, including lions and leopards, provide incredible opportunities for wildlife observation and photography.

Both parks offer luxurious safari lodges and tented camps that blend seamlessly with their natural surroundings, providing comfort without compromising the wilderness experience. Whether you prefer a rustic bush camp or a lavish lodge overlooking the river, we can assist you in finding the perfect accommodation.

No visit to Zambia is complete without experiencing the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls and standing on the edge of the gorge, feeling the mist and hearing the thunderous roar of the falls, you’ll understand why it’s one of the world’s most spectacular natural wonders. Victoria Falls offers a variety of activities, including golf at Elephant Hills GC on the Zimbabwean side of the river. This Gary Player course, set in a National Park, offers a unique golfing experience amidst a lovely natural environment. 

Lusaka, Zambia’s capital, offers excellent golf courses at Bonanza Golf Course and Lusaka Golf Club, both featuring challenging layouts amidst stunning natural scenery. After a day on the fairways, unwind in luxury at Ciela Zambia, a boutique hotel known for its elegant accommodations and impeccable service. Ciela provides a tranquil oasis where you can relax after a day of golfing, with stylish rooms, gourmet dining, and state-of-the-art amenities.

Whether exploring Zambia’s wilderness, playing golf, or marvelling at Victoria Falls, you’ll soon share our love for this captivating country.

Please click here to see our range of golf holidays in Zambia

Mark Marais: Africa Golf Safari
